450% ROI 1 Month after Our 3-Step Amazon SEO Product Ranking Campaign


A client’s product sold out quickly after the initial launch and did not come back into stock for a couple of months. While the item was out of stock, it received some negative reviews that brought the review average down to 4 stars.

Due to this, and the fact that it was out of stock for so long, sales were not hitting the highs that they were previously.


We used our 3-step Amazon SEO ranking strategy – listing optimisation, precision PPC campaigns, and Facebook campaigns – to increase organic ranking.

First, we used historical and real time data to create a precision keyword strategy that would help us optimize the product title and the images so that our key search terms were being represented predominantly.

Next, we ran extremely targeted, aggressive Amazon PPC campaigns to boost organic ranking for a small number of keywords. These keywords were specifically chosen based on our intensive research, so that the click through and conversion rate would be as high as possible from these campaigns.

By showing Amazon high CTR and CVR, we improve the chances of increasing organic ranking which is where the real money is.

Once the PPC campaigns had been running for 1 – 2 weeks, we selected 5 keywords from those campaigns to use in our ranking campaign.

From there we generated a specific number of full-priced, organic, manually searched orders for each keyword, that increased the product’s organic ranking AND held onto those positions.

To do this we used our advanced, high-converting Facebook campaigns and sales flows to convert Facebook users into Amazon customers.

Keyword ranking graphs below show the improvement over the course of the campaign:

Ranking on page 1 was successful for each of the search terms as shown above. Those keywords combined, generated an estimated 47K searches per month.

Sales Results:

7-day sales prior to the campaign – 96 units / 14 per day – $2,288 sales

Sales during campaign (9 days) – 332 units / 37 per day – $6,313 sales

7-day sales after the campaign finished – 289 units / 41 per day – $5,442

Just over 100 units were given away during the campaign @ $18.99 per unit ($2,000 in product refunds).

The campaign returned a 100% return on investment before the campaign had ended!

In the days and weeks after the campaign finished, the product held the organic ranking achieved during the campaign and averaged over $4.5K in sales per week – a 100% increase in sales every week from the period prior to the campaign launch.

The ROI just 1 month after campaign completion was 450%.

600% ROI 1 Month After Our 3-Step Amazon SEO Product Ranking Campaign


The sales and organic ranking of a client’s hero product started to decline right before we moved into an important sales period. They wanted to increase organic ranking so that the product would be in good positioning to generate high sales volume during that time.


We used our 3-step Amazon SEO organic ranking strategy – listing optimisation, precision PPC campaigns, and Facebook campaigns – to increase organic ranking.

First, we used historical and real time data to create a precision keyword strategy that would help us optimize the product title and the images so that our key search terms were being represented predominantly.

In step-2, we optimised the ppc campaigns so that we were only targeting a small number of high converting search terms, effectively trimming the fat, so we were left with highly targeted, highly relevant ppc campaigns.

From there we generated a specific number of full-priced, organic, manually searched orders for each keyword, that increased the product’s organic ranking AND held onto those position.

To do this we used our advanced, high-converting Facebook campaigns and sales flows to convert Facebook users into Amazon customers.

We used fully automated sales flows, verifying orders and sending out Visa gift cards via automation provided by seller.tools.


Ranking on page 1 was successful for each of the 5 search terms as shown above. On top of that we received Amazon choice badge for 2 of our chosen keywords!

The 5 keywords combined, generated an estimated 27K searches per month.

Keyword ranking graphs below show the improvement over the course of the campaign:

7-day sales prior to the campaign – 94 units / 13 per day – $2,018 sales

Sales during campaign (9 days) – 148 units / 21 per day – $2,958 sales

7-day sales after the campaign finished – 170 units / 24 per day – $3,398

Just over 50 units were given away during the campaign @ $19.99 per unit ($1,000 in product refunds.

The campaign returned a 100% return on investment, the first week after the campaign ended.

In the days and weeks after the campaign finished, the product held the organic ranking achieved during the campaign and averaged over $3.5K in sales per week – a 75% increase in sales from the period prior to the campaign launch.

The ROI just 1 month after campaign completion was 600%.

3% TACOS & $31,000 in Sales with Our Precision PPC Product Launch Strategy


A client was launching a new product that was important for the back to school market which usually kicks off around August. We had 2 months to get the product launched and ranked organically on page 1 before the back to school season started.



We used our precision keyword strategy (Intensive Research – Optimize Listing – Implement) that focused on small number of extremely relevant, medium to high volume search terms.

Precision and relevancy are key, rather than trying to cast a wide net, especially when launching a product.

We used real-time data and competitor analysis to select several long tail keywords where we could win the click and the conversion.

Using our precision keyword research, we crafted the product title, bullets / description and sent instructions to the graphic designer so that our main search terms were well represented throughout the copy and the images. As well as making sure the copy was persuasive and benefits-focused to ensure a high conversion rate.

We then created a broad and exact match campaign, as well as a product targeting campaign that incorporated the same intensive research that we use in step 1. With this precision keyword strategy, we generated a high click through and conversion rate.

By showing amazon high CTR and CVR during the “honeymoon” period, we significantly improve the chances of increasing organic ranking. This is why precision is key. High ctr plus high cvr leads to an increase in organic ranking, which leads to ?

Once the campaigns were converting well, with profitable acos, we start to introduce other ppc campaigns like Auto, phrase match and sponsored display and retargeting. We also cast a wider keyword net to our broad and phrase match campaigns to discover even more golden nugget converting keywords.

We use high level mathematical formulas and automated bidding to find our max cpc for each keyword and regularly uncover new search terms to include in our high-converting exact match campaigns.


We spent just over $1,000 and generated $9,300 in sales. The launch was so successful that the client ran out of stock in July, long before before the back to school shopping season even began.

Through PPC alone, we succeeded in achieving organic ranking for several high-volume search terms. The product retailed for $29.99 and generated over $31,000 in sales in just under 2 months.

The total advertising cost of sales (TACOS) for this product was just 3% ?

100% Increase in Monthly Sales & 70% Decrease in ACOS with Our Precision PPC Strategy


We were hired by a client to help fix a product that was sucking up PPC budget, running 80% ACOS and generating low sales volume. The sponsored products campaigns were set up with a broad and an auto campaign that were not performing well.


We employed our precision keyword IROI strategy (Intensive Research – Optimize – Implement) that focused on small number of extremely relevant, medium to high volume keywords.

During the intense research phase, we used historical and real-time data as well as competitor analysis to select several long tail keywords where we could win the click and the conversion.

Next, we optimized, ensuring that the product title and the images were fully optimised for desktop AND mobile, and that our most important search terms were being represented prominently.

We also optimized the listing copy, so it was more persuasive and benefits-focused to ensure a high conversion rate.

By showing amazon a high click and conversion rate, we significantly improve the chances of increasing organic ranking. This is why precision is key. High ctr plus high cvr leads to an increase in organic ranking, which leads to ?

Once the listing was fully optimised, we moved to phase 3, creating exact, phrase and broad match campaigns, based on the precision keyword research conducted in step 1.

We also ensured that no other brands could show up on our pages by creating defensive product targeting PPC campaigns. As well as a product targeting campaign that incorporated the same level of intensive research.

Once the campaigns are converting well, with profitable ACOS, we start to introduce other PPC campaigns like auto, sponsored brand / headline, sponsored display, and retargeting.

We use high level mathematical formulas and automated bidding to find our max cpc for each keyword and regularly uncover new search terms to include in our high-converting exact match campaigns.


We increased total monthly revenue by more than 100% while decreasing the ACOS from 80% to 22%.

By maximizing our visibility and sales on high converting keywords, we succeeded in achieving organic ranking for several high-volume search terms.

The total advertising cost of sales (TACOS) for this product reduced from 40% to just over 10%.